Sunday, March 31, 2013

Yangon, Myanmar, March 2013

downtown Yangon

Sule Paya, a 2000-year-old golden temple in central traffic circle of Yangon 

Shwedagon Paya, the most sacred of all Buddhist sites in Myanmar
the east entrance to Shwedagon

the magic of Shwedagon under a full moon

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Nyaungshwe and Inle Lake, Myanmar, March 2013

view of the canal linking Nyaungshwe town to Inle Lake

woman on shore collects taxi fare from passengers returning to their village on the lake

a fisherman at the entrance to the lake
parking area at a local market on Inle Lake

tribal people at the lakeside market

we visit the floating gardens in the lake

local family's mode of travel

laundry time in a stilt house

leg rowing!

rice planting near the town of Nyaungshwe

we taxi our bicycles across Inle Lake

a typical Myanmar dinner

our favourite time of the day - drinks delivered poolside!
a young monk watches us

at a local temple people wait to offer monks gifts of rice, etc.

our favourite coffee shop in the centre of Nyaungshwe

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bagan, Myanmar, March 2013

sights along the Ayeyarwady River as we boated to Bagan from Mandalay

We stop to let off a passenger.

the largest of the 4000+ Bagan Temples

temples commissioned by Bagan's kings between the 11th and 12th centuries

goats and their herders roam the area 

an enterprising young vendor greets us with his postcards
cattle herders shelter from the sun

temple detail

pilgrims to the temples pass us on our bicycles

a local woman offers us a cheroot 

village women carry water for great distances across these hot plains

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hsipaw and Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar, March 2013

    young nuns collect alms in early morning, Hsipaw

a bicycle shop in Hsipaw
young nuns at a nunnery in the countryside outside of Hsipaw

we stop at a local restaurant on a hike with a guide outside of Hsipaw

food vendor on the train across the Gokteik Viaduct, built in 1901
train aisle is definitely not for walking!

taxi in Pyin Oo Lwin

Botanical Gardens in Pyin Oo Lwin

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mandalay, Myanmar, March 2013

transportation is tight on a main street in Mandalay

a procession to the temple where a young boy is being initiated into the monkhood


the busy port in Mandalay

everything happens at the port

temples at the base of Mandalay Hill

going home from the market in Mandalay

we manage cycling in downtown Mandalay

typical breakfast on our rooftop in Mandalay